Truth or Dare

Masturbate Info
Points Earned: 25 out of 25
Date: August 7, 2017, 2:47 am
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Masturbate Response
I enjoyed this dare alot ...
Naked and Cuffed Info
Strip naked and handcuff yours hands behind your back. You must stay handcuffed for your next 6 turns. After that, you may take the handcuffs off, but you must stay naked for the rest of the game.
Points Earned: 21 out of 21
Date: August 7, 2017, 2:42 am
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Naked and Cuffed Response
This was a fun dare, and the 3 women I was playing with really enjoyed it too ... lol😃😄😁
Mangina Info
Post a picture of your cock between your legs so it looks like you have a vagina.
Points Earned: 8 out of 8
Date: August 5, 2017, 11:32 pm
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Mangina Response
This was a funny thing to do...😃😄😃

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