Truth or Dare

Get Naked Info
Plain and Simple GET NAKED!!!!! Stay this way until another dare changes it.
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: July 17, 2012, 12:23 pm
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Get Naked Response
All Day Nude Info
Attempt to spend a full 24 hours naked.
Points Earned: 18 out of 18
Date: July 17, 2012, 9:34 am
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All Day Nude Response
i spent all day naked
Naked Roadside Info
Stand naked at the side of a road. The more daring you are, the more points you will get. Things to consider include:
How busy is the road?
What time of day is it?
How long were you there?
How well is your description?
Points Earned: 15 out of 30
Date: July 16, 2012, 4:47 pm
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Naked Roadside Response
The road is extremly busy so it was a good time to do it. It was day time so it was a good time. I was there all day standing there just letting people look at me. i think my discription is good
What are you Wearing? Info
Describe everything you are wearing at the moment in full detail. Do not leave out any part of your clothes.
Points Earned: 2 out of 2
Date: July 16, 2012, 2:40 pm
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What are you Wearing? Response
i am wearing nothing. no clothes. nothing at all
Locked Out Nude Info
Strip down, put on a towel, close the door on your towel and lock the door. Toss the house key as far away as you can, then run for your house key to get back in...
Points Earned: 15 out of 29
Date: July 16, 2012, 2:13 pm
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Locked Out Nude Response
i tryied that once but accidently left the key inside and the door shut on the towel so i couldn't cover up

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