Truth or Dare

Worst Kiss? Info
Who was your worst kiss and why?
Points Earned: 4 out of 5
Date: September 9, 2007, 5:03 pm
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Worst Kiss? Response
worst kiss ever would have to be my first kiss.. the guy i was kissing leaned in way to hard and we actually ended up like smacking face
Nude Hop Around Room Info
Take off all your clothes and hop around the room on one foot. If you fall, you must start over.
Points Earned: 23 out of 29
Date: September 9, 2007, 4:57 pm
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Nude Hop Around Room Response
i did this one in the front room of my house where we have a row of windows.. i got like half way around the room and fell over so i had to start over and when i actually finished someone walking down the street looked towards me but i ducked real qucik so i'm not sure if they saw me

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