Truth or Dare

Shaving Habits? Info
What have you shaved? Face, legs, genitals, chest, top of head, armpits, back, and or ass checks? Also, are you male or female?
Points Earned: 8 out of 10
Date: August 11, 2008, 2:42 pm
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Shaving Habits? Response

i am a male and have shaved my whole body head to toe once... neve again... but i do keep my pubes trimmed and balls shaved

Hide a Key Info
Take your house key and hide it away from home (your choice on how far).Return home and strip naked. Now lock yourself out. You must now retrieve your key to get back inside.
Points Earned: 2 out of 30
Date: August 11, 2008, 2:38 pm
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Hide a Key Response

would have loved to have pics of this... left my keys in a mail box of a house five blocks away. the house is vacant and for sale.. walked back home, never noticed how much traffic is on my street till i was doing this dare..

got home .. got naked... went out throught the back door and locked it... no i was stuck outside... went to the back gate to a deep breath, opened the gate , walked out closed the gate and it locked... no i am totally unprotected,, wow what a rush.... working my way to my keys hiding behind cars and bushes with every noise. middle of the day lots of noises. reached my key grabbed it and just when i was starting to head back home. here comes a car, had to run to the house next door and hide behind the hedge... car passes i think wow what a rush... i get up start to go and lok back at the house where i was hiding and there was a person at the window with a statled look on their face.. no i am scarred cause i think the cops will be showing up. I began to run... naked... turned on... as fast as i could to my house and to the door and inside....  wow whart a rush

Secret Flash Info
Flash someone when they aren't looking. See how long you can flash them without them noticing.
Points Earned: 6 out of 16
Date: August 11, 2008, 2:26 pm
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Secret Flash Response

ok, i went to the mall wearing shorts , no underwear, and t shirt. walked around with my zipper down the whole time, saw a few people look but no one told me my zipper was down. Also sat in the mall on one of the benches and let my cock fall through the leg of my shorts, it was just hanging there in plane sight. but no one said a thing.. i know these two girls could see it cause they kept walking past me then toward me looking, and giggling to each other.. had to stop cause i was getting to a point of stifness and with the fly open i would have had to walk with it poking out.

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